Knitting Is Cool

Knitted Knitting Octopus

Knitted Knitting Octopus

Knitting is becoming more and more awesome in recent years. It used to be that you knitted to make sweaters, blankets and baby booties. But now there’s this whole genre of knitting for art as in Kitted sculptures, Jewelry, and even graffiti (called gorilla knitting).

 Gorilla Kitting goes by many names, Yarn Bombing and Yarn Storming are two more, but the concept has gone international. It’s a colorful, crafty, non-destructive art. Still think it’s for old people and farmers?


It seems to have started in Texas and there are now troupes of artists in various communities making their mark. The strength of the movement might be due to the fact that stitchers are more and more frequently being viewed as fibre artists rather then craft hobbyists.


physical model of hyperbolic space

physical model of hyperbolic space

Knitting for Science is another new application. Math, Biology, astrophisics, you name it someone is doing it. It’s a great way to simplify ideas that are often way to complex to visualize. Such as Daina Taimina’s physical model of hyperbolic space, or Karen Norberg’s Woolly Brain.

Karen Norberg's Wooly Brain

Wooly Brain


If you can hold it in your hand then your understanding greatly increases. You can explore all the nooks and crannies. All you have to do is google search on knitting science and you will find thousands of examples from all different fields of science.

Kitting is an ainchent art form with the first examples found in egypt. It’s nice to see a new generation keeping it alive.

(Octopus via: Max’s World)
(Yard Bombing via: Apartment Therapy)
(Science Kitts via: Discover Magazine)