What Is Water Footprint? Ever Wonder What Yours Is?

You know how we often hear people say ‘conserve your water’, ‘don’t overuse it’, etc. Those statements make me wonder how I’m doing with my water consumption. Do I use too much of it? Do I need to cut down? How much water do I really use everyday? What’s my water footprint? Wait… What is ‘water footprint’?


Your water footprint is the amount of water you use, in and around your home throughout the day, including the water you use directly (i.e., from a tap). It also includes the water used indirectly to produce the food you eat, the products you buy, the energy you consume and even the water you save when you recycle. You may not drink, feel or see this virtual water, but it makes up the majority of your water footprint.

Now, if you’re wondering what YOUR water footprint is, you can calculate it using this Water Footprint Calculator provided by H2O Conserve. You’ll have to answer each question completely before you can move to the next question. None of your answers or result are monitored or recorded.

(source: H2O Conserve, Care2)